30787994-8d42-467b-9f79-a91cecf757ac 30787994-8d42-467b-9f79-a91cecf757ac City of Little Rock


Commitment Time:


Volunteers Need Per Day:

No limit




500 W. Markham, Rm. 108, Little Rock,
Arkansas, 72201

Invasive species threaten 42% of native and endangered species by pushing out their food and cover which leads to the native flora and fauna to find food and cover elsewhere.   Little Rock Parks and Recreation, along with our partners, cares about our native species and is excited to announce our new campaign called #LRParksPushyPlants!  Our goal is to remove 10% of invasive flora per year from our park system. 

To achieve our goal, we have crafted a plan to identify, map and remove the invasive flora.  In order to identify and map the flora, we will be utilizing the free app, iNaturalist. We need this data in order to make informed decisions regarding the management of the invasive flora.  Citizen Scientists like you can easily identify these "pushy plants" with the iNaturalist app or website while getting exercise in our beautiful parks.  Whoever identifies the most will receive an award at our annual Volunteer Appreciation Banquet.

Once identified, staff will decide where and how to remove the invasive flora and utilize staff or volunteers to do so.  We hope you will join us to create a more beautiful park system, not only for humans, but also for our animal and plant friends.

Please us this spot to log your volunteer hours for the #LRParksPushyPlants campaign.


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Thank you for expressing interest in volunteering with Isha Foundation. Volunteering opportunities are available to anyone who has completed the Inner Engineering program with Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya.
If you have not completed this requirement, you can explore and register for upcoming programs at the program website.
If you have completed this requirement, please ensure you are using the same email address you used to register for Inner Engineering. If you are still having issues registering, please contact [email protected] for support.

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