Accept or deny invitations
When you are an established volunteer at an organization, or you have expressed your interest by following an organization, you will be entered into their VolunteerMark database. The organization can then invite you to volunteer for positions they have created.
You will first receive an email discussing the opportunity, organization, time and location. The email will prompt you to login to your VolunteerMark account.
Once you login to your VolunteerMark you will be prompted to your home, “My Volunteer Dashboard” page. You will receive opportunity invites to your notifications. Select the orange notifications box in the top right hand corner of your home page.
Your notifications box will then expand on the left side of your screen. At that point you can view the shift, organization and volunteer opportunity description. Take note of the date, time and location of the volunteer opportunity, but also remember that VolunteerMark has a reminder set to send to you phone reminding you of the event if you choose to accept the invitation. After reading the description and specifications, you may accept or deny the volunteer opportunity.
When an invite to volunteer opportunity is accepted your calendar on VolunteerMark will be automatically display the opportunity.All opportunities you have signed up for visible on your calendar, and as stated earlier, you will also receive a reminder via text before your event it so occur.