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Alice Ferguson Foundation
There’s a special place in Maryland where students can dig in the dirt, take a hike, and catch an unbeatable glimpse of the Potomac. That place is the Alice Ferguson Foundation. We are proud to serve thousands of Pre K-12 students each year as they interact with science, plants and animals about which many of them – until now – have only read.
More than 8,000 students participate in our Bridging the Watershed program which takes students to national and state parks in the Potomac Watershed where they learn, hands-on, about how a watershed works and how to keep it clean. Another 10,000 volunteers participate in trash cleanups in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC.
Each year, Alice Ferguson Foundation helps thousands of people connect with nature by milking a cow or cleaning a river bank.
Children under the age of 16 are welcome to volunteer at appropriate volunteer activities like the River Cleanup and Field Work Fanatics, but will need to be accompanied by a parental approved supervisor over the age of 18. If you have questions, please reach out to us at [email protected]
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