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Front Yards in Bloom
The Front Yards in Bloom program began in 1999 as a partner program by Edmonton Horticultural Society, Canadian Union of Postal Workers, and the City of Edmonton as a way to celebrate and recognize neighbours’ efforts in keeping their neighbourhoods looking beautiful. Heading into its 23rd year of running the program, the categories include: Edible Yards, Natural Yards, Balconies in Bloom, Public Spaces, NEW in 2018 Tiny Yards and General Yards. In the first year there were 150 nominations and over the last three years the program has averaged over 6,000 nominations. We would not be at this capacity today without our hardworking and dedicated volunteers for judging and sign delivery.
A yard is nominated by an individual who does not reside at the residence, with the exception of Balconies in Bloom which can be self nomiated. Volunteers from the community are needed to distribute Nominee signs while also assisting with judging yards. Help make someones day, and even greater bring your community together, deliver nominees their signs and see their pride in their yards!!
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy: Personal information is being collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act and is used for the administration of City Operations programs, including public relations events. Your personal information will be protected in accordance with the privacy provisions of the FOIP Act. If you have any questions about the collection or use of your personal information, please contact the Program Coordinator at [email protected].
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