
Find opportunities

Helping volunteers find opportunities in the quickest and most effective way is the top priority at VolunteerMark. We've made it simple, offering the "Find Opportunities" dashboard icon. Streamlining the process by allowing organizations to specify schedule types, causes and skills required for every outing. Taking out some of the guess work, and in combination with your own availability specifications, speeding up the volunteer process.

See all the ways to find volunteer opportunities!


Steps to find volunteer opportunities

  • Select "Volunteer Opportunities Near (your city)"
  • You may then select the icon to find the opportunities near your zip code.
  • Select fixed, flexible or one time event to determine what volunteer opportunity schedule type fits your schedule best. Click here to view schedule type descriptions.
  • Then designate the period or season within the year you plan to volunteer, further narrowing the search results. If you have no end date in sight, select "ongoing."
  • You may then click on an opportunity that most appeals to you. Sending a request to that organization, you will be notified once the opportunity is approved.

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